Ich hab mir heut die Hochzeit angesehen, oh ja. Habe mich gefühlt wie die Königin bei Schneewitchen, anmutig und doch abgewiesen, höhö. Jetzt hab ischs auf den jüngeren abgesehen.

Soho Dolls - Prince Harry
Puh Puh Prince Harry
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British Universities
Puh Puh Prince Harry
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British universities
Cut to the chase, you're a big disgrace
With a skip and a beat and you're in this place
If you'd have known better then you'd have written a letter
Complaining all the time about the dull, rainy weather
I don't know if...this what you this what you've come for
I don't know if...this what you're this what you're looking for
Go go away
You know we've changed
So much more than your playground
You'll be safer stay uptown
Go go away
You know we've changed
So much more than your playground
You'll be safer stay uptown
Go go away (Cut to the chase, you're a big disgrace
With a skip and a beat and you're in this place)
Go go away (If you'd have known better then you'd have written a letter
Complaining all the time about the dull, rainy weather)
Go go away (I don't know if this what you've this what you've come for)
Hahahaha (this what you're, this what you're looking for)
Puh Puh Prince Harry
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British university
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British Universities
Puh Puh Prince Harry
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British universities
Cut to the chase, you're a big disgrace
With a skip and a beat and you're in this place
If you'd have known better then you'd have written a letter
Complaining all the time about the dull, rainy weather
I don't know if...this what you this what you've come for
I don't know if...this what you're this what you're looking for
Go go away
You know we've changed
So much more than your playground
You'll be safer stay uptown
Go go away
You know we've changed
So much more than your playground
You'll be safer stay uptown
Go go away (Cut to the chase, you're a big disgrace
With a skip and a beat and you're in this place)
Go go away (If you'd have known better then you'd have written a letter
Complaining all the time about the dull, rainy weather)
Go go away (I don't know if this what you've this what you've come for)
Hahahaha (this what you're, this what you're looking for)
Puh Puh Prince Harry
Girl like to marry
Save up all your USD's for British university